5S or Visual Management is the use of techniques that will enable a person to immediately recognize normal and abnormal states in a process. This technique helps an organization examine the workplace and identify irregularities for easy elimination of waste and improving safety.
Lean Masters trains and educates workers on how to implement 5S/ Visual Management in their workplace in the following categories:
- Workplace Organization
- Sort (Seiri) – distinguished what is needed and what is not needed.
- Straight/Set (Seiton) – a place for everything and everything in its place (labeling campaign, color guidelines).
- Shine (Seiso) – Make cleaning part of the job every day.
- Standardize (Seiketsu) – Create policies and procedures that will ensure that the area stays clean at all times.
- Sustain (Shitsuke) – Train workers and management to participate and be committed to sustain and monitor visual management.
- Visual Displays — To communicate important information to all employees.
- Visual Controls — To prevent abnormalities from occurring.
- 5S Audit — Continually reviews the 5S Project and assess opportunities for improvement.
Lean Tools
Reduction of Waste (Muda)
Kaizen (Rapid Continuous Improvement Workshop)
Standard Work Instructions
5S or Visual Management
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Quick Changeover / SMED
Root Cause Problem Solving
Lean Roles and Responsibilities
Quality Assurance
Line balancing
Lean layout
Takt Time
Value Stream Mapping
Error Proofing (Poka-Yoke)
Team Leaders & Work Teams
Team Meetings