Lean Layout is a Lean Tool that dramatically reduces waste. Layout by product family versus departments then layout continuous flow work cells wherever practical. Use Kanban to pull material from the remaining batch processes.
Lean Masters has extensive knowledge of process tools and equipment. We will help you design and implement a Lean Layout that meets the needs of your products.
Lean Tools
Reduction of Waste (Muda)
Kaizen (Rapid Continuous Improvement Workshop)
Standard Work Instructions
5S or Visual Management
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Quick Changeover / SMED
Root Cause Problem Solving
Lean Roles and Responsibilities
Quality Assurance
Line balancing
Lean layout
Takt Time
Value Stream Mapping
Error Proofing (Poka-Yoke)
Team Leaders & Work Teams
Team Meetings