Line Balancing is a Toyota Principle that uses the right amount of people to make the right amount of product within Takt Time. While balancing the line, Quality at the Source is also incorporated where the worker check the material coming to them, checks their work and pass on Zero Defects to the next station. As an effect of this Lean Principle, productivity increases, where it reduces the time to make the product and also reduces the number of people it takes to make the product.
Lean Masters uses unique Kaizen classroom and shop floor training to install Line Balancing in the workplace to help workers, managers and supervisors look for waste, study the process, calculate Takt Time, create Standard Work, test and implement improvements made.
Lean Tools
Reduction of Waste (Muda)
Kaizen (Rapid Continuous Improvement Workshop)
Standard Work Instructions
5S or Visual Management
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Quick Changeover / SMED
Root Cause Problem Solving
Lean Roles and Responsibilities
Quality Assurance
Line balancing
Lean layout
Takt Time
Value Stream Mapping
Error Proofing (Poka-Yoke)
Team Leaders & Work Teams
Team Meetings